Welcome to my world!

Where simplicity meets success 

Improve Your Dog’s Reactive Behaviour in just 6 Weeks!

Calm Canine, Confidence: The Challenge

Are you tired of stressful walks with your reactive dog?

Do you long for more peaceful strolls without the constant worry of unexpected outbursts? 

If so, our 6-Week Training Challenge is perfect for you! 

Conducted via WhatsApp, this challenge is designed to provide you with daily tasks, weekly study topics and personalised support, to help you achieve your dog walking goals

Reactive Dog Training High Peak Dog Services
Reactive Dog Training High Peak Dog Services
Reactive Dog Training High Peak Dog Services
Claire is renown for rehabilitating barking dogs with behaviour issues and her no nonsense approach with the facts.
She’s focused on helping owners to unlock their core confidence and use her success driven systems and management techniques, which have consistently made her the go to dog trainer for reactive dogs
Reactive Dog Training High Peak Dog Services
”Claire’s system for making my dog listen to me may seem radical to some, but it clearly works.

Everything that she teaches makes sense and simplifies the traditional (and overly-complicated) training system. And she has the results to prove it.

If you follow her system, you will make lots of progress” 
Listen to Claire on BBC Radio Gem, Nottingham and Derby